Protein structure         Click here to access a sample output
PDB code OR
upload your own coordinates (PDB format)   Chain ID
Extract smotifs and calculate geometry  
Use DSSP - Alphabet
Paste secondary structure assignment (H: helices, E: beta strands and C for rest)

Mininum size helix Mininum size beta
Search DB smotifs by geometry  
Maximum variation in D (Ang) Maximum variation delta angle (degrees)
Maximum variation theta angle (degrees) Maximum variation rho angle (degrees)
Sample loop sizes between and or Any length
1. Extract smotifs and assign geometry
2. 1 + perform search
3. 2 + structural alignment to query: Tolerance fitting (Ang) Activate clashes filter


Please have a look at the help pages for more information about the server and the prediction method. Also, please read the disclaimer before using the server. Please note that we have recenlty updated our servers, please contact us if you experience any problems.
Loop library last updated on: May 2016
# of motifs 95 DB: 713,783
# of motifs 40 DB: 307,324